Noticing and Disconnection

We tend at most times in our life to focus on the here and now – that is the present. Yes, that does minimise distraction and procrastination however; you would be very surprised what you might gain once you begin to “notice” more of what is around you.

So, what do I mean by this “noticing”? It is very simple and it is something that we are beginning to lose in our time of intense focus with our busy lives and digital devices. Consider if “disconnection” is happening around you – notice what you are doing in public and notice what others are doing. Yes, this is about communication and is a most powerful component of communication – gestures, observation and appropriate eye contact.

The positive gestures (nonverbal communication) of acknowledgement include for example smiling, waving, nodding, facial and body movements. Check to see who is gesturing as you go on your way and more importantly; how and what you feel comfortable with doing and – when.

So, if you notice you’re disconnecting (and you will), refocus on the world that is around you – look around, listen, smell, taste and touch and ultimately feel where you are at any time. Focus on positive gesturing and “notice” how you feel – it must have a ripple effect.

To add, check out YouTube for “Random Acts of Kindness” – all about “noticing”.

I really trust you get this.